d@n tech

Caffinated Tech Insights

Introduction: Sit back and grab a coffee

Welcome to a behind-the-scenes look at the infrastructure powering my websites, Dustin.coffee and Hobokenchicken.com. In this post, I’ll lay out the complexities and intricacies of my personal tech setup, demonstrating the importance of reliability, technical skills, and the sheer appreciation of a well-built system.

Section 1: Domain and DNS Configuration

-Cloudflare for DNS Management

  • Why the Switch? I transitioned to Cloudflare for managing the DNS of dustin.coffee and hobokenchicken.com after Google Domains shut down.
  • Understanding DNS Management: Think of DNS (Domain Name System) management like a coffee shop’s menu. It helps people find my websites using easy-to-remember names (like dustin.coffee) instead of complex numerical addresses, much like how you’d order a “Caramel Macchiato” instead of remembering a specific recipe.
  • Choosing Cloudflare: Cloudflare is renowned for its speed and security, akin to a highly efficient and safe coffee shop where your order is always secure and served quickly.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN) Explained: Cloudflare includes a CDN, which can be likened to having multiple coffee stations in a large office. Instead of everyone queuing at one station, causing delays, there are several stations strategically placed around the office. This setup means that no matter where you are in the office, you can get your coffee quickly. In the same way, the CDN ensures that the static content of my websites (like images and stylesheets that don’t change often) is stored in various locations on the internet, so it’s served faster to you, the visitor, no matter where you are.

Section 2: Oracle VPS and Its Role

  • Choosing Oracle VPS: Think of Oracle VPS as a reliable and affordable storage unit for my website’s digital data. After exploring options like Google Cloud and Hetzner, Oracle VPS stood out for its excellent free tier, offering just the right balance of space and features for my needs. And with the balooning costs of Google and Hetzner, Oracle’s free tier had exactly what I wanted and needed for no cost.
  • Making Connections Work:
  • Nginx Proxy Manager: This is akin to a smart sorting system in a post office. When someone requests to view my website, Nginx Proxy Manager efficiently directs this request to the right destination. It ensures that every digital ‘letter’ (or in this case, a request to access my website) is sorted and sent to the correct mailbox (my server).
  • Tailscale: Imagine Tailscale as a secure and private delivery service. It safely transports information from my Oracle VPS (the digital ‘storage unit’) to my home server (the ‘house’ where my website lives). Tailscale ensures this digital journey is secure, keeping the data safe from any unwanted interference.
  • How They Work Together:
  • The data journey starts when you type in my website’s address. This request travels to Cloudflare (the DNS manager), which acts like a directory, pointing the request to the Oracle VPS.
  • Next, the Oracle VPS, equipped with the Nginx Proxy Manager, receives this request. Nginx checks where the request needs to go – in this case, it’s directed to my home server.
  • Tailscale then steps in, creating a secure path for this request to travel from the Oracle VPS to my home server. This ensures that the data remains private and secure as it makes its way to the server.
  • Once the request arrives at my home server, the server processes it and sends back the requested web page or information via the same secure route, back to your screen. This setup ensures a smooth, secure, and efficient flow of data, from the moment you request to view my website to the moment the content is displayed on your screen.

Section 3: The Home Server - Heart of the Operation

  • Server Specifications:
  • My home server, a Dell r720xd, is the workhorse behind my entire setup. It’s designed to handle demanding tasks with ease. Here’s a quick rundown of what it packs:
    • Processors: It boasts 2x Xeon E5-2695v2 CPUs. These processors are like the brains of the server, handling multiple tasks simultaneously without breaking a sweat.
    • Memory: With 378GB of RAM, it’s like having a vast workspace, allowing me to run several applications and processes concurrently without any lag.
    • Storage: For quick access and operations, it has 2x 1TB SSDs. These are like the top drawers of a desk, where I keep frequently used tools. For larger, less frequently accessed data, there are 12 10TB SAS HDDs, acting like a massive filing cabinet, offering ample space.
  • This combination of processors, memory, and storage means the server can manage heavy data loads, run multiple services smoothly, and store a vast amount of data – perfect for my varied needs.
  • Tailscale Subnet Router VM:
    • This particular VM (Virtual Machine) plays a unique role. It’s set up as a subnet router for Tailscale. To understand its function, imagine Tailscale as a secure, private network connecting various devices. Normally, each device (or in my case, each LXC container) would need its own Tailscale setup, which can be like having a separate security system for each room in a house.
    • What the Tailscale Subnet Router VM does is act like a central security system for the entire house. It means that instead of setting up Tailscale on every individual LXC container, they all automatically get secure access through this VM. This setup simplifies management, enhances security, and ensures that each part of my server communicates securely with the outside world.
  • A Note on Server Age and Ko-fi Initiative:
  • While my Dell r720xd server has been a reliable cornerstone of my digital infrastructure, it’s important to note that it’s part of an aging platform. In the tech world, this is akin to having a classic car - it has its charm and capabilities, but it also requires maintenance and eventual upgrades to keep up with modern demands and efficiencies.
  • To address this, I’ve started a Ko-fi initiative. Think of Ko-fi as a digital tip jar where supporters can contribute small amounts to help fund upgrades and maintenance for the server. This initiative is all about ensuring that my server continues to run smoothly and remains capable of supporting the latest technologies and my growing needs. Contributions will go directly towards hardware upgrades, ensuring that the server remains robust, secure, and efficient.
  • If you appreciate the content and services I provide and want to support the longevity and improvement of this setup, consider contributing to my Ko-fi. Every little bit helps in keeping this digital engine running at its best!

Section 4: LXC Containers and Services

  • Plex with GPU Passthrough:
  • My Plex server is a key component of my home entertainment system. By utilizing GPU passthrough, the server’s graphics processing capabilities are significantly enhanced. This means smoother, higher-quality video transcoding, allowing for a better viewing experience on various devices, regardless of their native format compatibility.
  • Calibre-web in Docker:
    • Calibre-web, hosted in a Docker container, serves as a digital library. It’s primarily used for managing and providing access to a wide range of college textbooks and educational materials for students I support. This setup simplifies the process of storing, accessing, and reading these books, making it an invaluable resource for their academic needs.
  • Jekyll Blog Hosting:
    • For my Jekyll blog, I’ve tailored a hosting environment that allows for efficient management and seamless content updates. This setup ensures that my blog remains responsive, secure, and easy to navigate, offering visitors a pleasant reading experience.
  • Foundry Server for Pathfinder:
    • The Foundry server is dedicated to hosting Pathfinder role-playing games. It’s one of my oldest and most cherished projects, co-managed with another Dungeon Master. This server provides a rich, interactive platform for our gaming sessions, complete with maps, character sheets, and real-time updates, enhancing our Pathfinder experiences.
  • ‘Arr’ Stack in Docker:
    • The ‘Arr’ stack, hosted within Docker, comprises several components including Prowlarr, Radarr, Sonarr, Sabnzbd, Lidarr, Bazarr, Overseer, Tautulli, Deemix, and Homarr. Each of these components plays a specific role, from managing TV show downloads (Sonarr) to handling music (Lidarr), and even tracking and analyzing Plex usage (Tautulli). This stack represents a comprehensive media management solution, catering to various entertainment needs.
  • Mealie Website for Recipes:
    • Mealie is a recent addition to my setup, currently in the testing phase. It’s a web application for meal planning, recipe storage, and generating shopping lists. This tool is aimed at simplifying the process of deciding what to eat, preparing meals, and shopping for ingredients, streamlining the entire culinary experience in my household.

Section 5: Data Flow and Security

  • Overview of Data Flow
    • I’ll provide a diagram and a thorough explanation of how data moves through this intricate setup.
  • Security Measures
    • Discussion of the various security measures in place, especially focusing on the role of Tailscale and other precautions I’ve implemented.

Conclusion: Bringing It All Together

As we’ve journeyed through the various components of my digital setup – from DNS management with Cloudflare to the intricacies of my home server and LXC containers – it’s clear that managing such a system requires a blend of technical know-how, strategic planning, and a passion for technology.

The complexity of this setup not only showcases the dynamic nature of tech infrastructure but also highlights the importance of ongoing learning and adaptation. Whether it’s handling the transition from Google Domains to Cloudflare, optimizing the use of Oracle VPS, or maintaining the myriad services on my Dell r720xd, each element plays a crucial role in delivering a seamless digital experience.

Beyond the technical aspects, this journey is also about the community and the shared experiences. From hosting Pathfinder games to providing educational resources through Calibre-web, each service has its unique impact.

As technology continues to evolve, so will the components of my setup. I’m excited to continue sharing these developments, insights, and stories with you. Your feedback, questions, and support – especially through initiatives like the Ko-fi for server upgrades – are what make this journey enriching and worthwhile.

Thank you for taking the time to delve into the world of dustin.coffee and hobokenchicken.com. I hope this glimpse behind the scenes not only informs but also inspires you in your own tech endeavors.